MPs on the march call for the closure of a nuclear reactor per year from 2022


While the government prepares the energy strategy of France until 2028, three deputies In March – Matthieu Orphelin, Barbara Pompili and Bérangère Abba – call to turn to a system based on renewable energies . "This change will help fight against climate change and respect France's international and European commitments," says the three elected representatives of the majority. He relies notably on Emmanuel Macron's presidential program and his two requirements for the ecological transition: "to be ambitious and to accompany citizens, companies, employees and territories in this evolution".

Read also – Macron-Hulot: a balance sheet mixed in ecology "

The government is preparing the" EPP ", the new energy strategy of France until 2028. More than just a planning tool, it is the key instrument to make evolve our energy supply and consumption and put ourselves on the path of the only modernity that is: the ecological transition. The energy future of France lies in a more sober, more economical system, based mainly on renewable energies. will help combat climate change and respect France's international and European commitments, and strengthen solidarity between our and create value and jobs in our territories. It will avoid excessive risks which ultimately will weigh on the taxpayers.


The first challenge to be taken is that of sobriety and energy efficiency


During his campaign, President Macron set two requirements for the ecological transition: to be ambitious and to accompany citizens, companies, employees and territories in this evolution. That's what this new strategy must decide for the next ten years. The first challenge in this multi-year Energy Program is energy efficiency and sobriety. The renovation plan of the buildings, which must allow to save energy in this sector and reduce the household bill, includes measures that go in the right direction (financing the renovation of the public sector, transformation into credit bonuses). tax on the energy transition), but can still be completed. The second challenge is to be ambitious on renewable energy. We are lagging behind our European neighbors: in 2016, we produced 16% of renewable energies whereas we have to reach 23% in two years, according to our own commitments … Nevertheless, we benefit from one of the best deposits In Europe, renewables take us to energy autonomy and cost less and less when the cost of nuclear energy increases. It is therefore also an economically profitable choice.


Reaching the 50% Nuclear Fuel Cap in Electricity Between 2030 and 2035


Energy Programming therefore needs to be make renewables the new keystone, and no longer the adjustment variable, of our policy. It must make it possible to close the means of production which we will not need any more as the renewables and the "intelligent" management of the networks rise in power. Be ambitious and accompany, it means that the PEP must succeed the closing the four coal plants by 2022, and also plan, anticipate and properly prepare for the gradual closure of nuclear reactors, consistent with the rise of renewables. A closing rate of at least one nuclear reactor per year as early as 2022, and two per year as soon as possible, seems appropriate. This will make it possible to reach the 50% nuclear power threshold between 2030 and 2035 and we will avoid duplicating the lack of the previous five-year method for the closure of the Fessenheim power station and the non-compliance with the 2025 date. to get to 50% nuclear. It is essential that PEP gives credibility to this new energy trajectory and the badurance that we will respect it. By thus implementing the President's election promise, the government and the majority will continue to defend our collective responsibility: to see the ecological transition be fully accomplished, closer to the life of citizens and with them. "

By Matthieu Orphelin, MP (LREM) of Maine-et-Loire, Barbara Pompili, MP (LREM) of the Somme and Bérangère Abba, MP (LREM) of Haute-Marne.

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