Murielle Bolle, key witness in the Grégory affair, speaks for the first time


MISCELLANEOUS FACTS – Thirty-four years after the police custody in which she accused her brother-in-law, Bernard Laroche, of abducting little Gregory, Murielle Bolle, a key witness in this affair, which continues to hold the French in suspense. entrusts for the first time in the media.

On the occasion of the release on November 8th of her book, "Breaking the silence", she gave interviews at Parisian Saturday, November 3 and the magazine "Seven to Eight" on TF1 the next day.

Murielle Bolle, now 49, had been indicted in June 2017 for the kidnapping of the child, like the couple Jacob, grand-uncle and grand-aunt Grégory. After being annulled for procedural reasons, these indictments should be requested again by the Public Prosecutor's Office once all the appeals have been served. The accusation now favors the thesis of a "collective act" with Bernard Laroche, the husband of the sister of Murielle Bolle, shot in 1985 by the father of Grégory Villemin. When the case was launched in 1984, Murielle Bolle was suspected of kidnapping and killing Grégory when she was only 15 years old.

"I said it and I repeat it: the day of Grégory's death, I left the school as usual, I took the bus as usual, I stopped at Aunt Louisette where were Bernard and his son Sebastien, says Murielle Bolle in the columns of Parisian. I hope they will finally believe me: justice, Grégory's parents, and the public opinion to which I have been thrown to graze. "

"Everyone needs to understand that it's the truth," she says, "I could never hide such a crime, it's horrible." The murder of a little boy is the worst thing that can happen. "

Projectiles received in prison

Murielle Bolle, when she had loaded him during his custody in 1984 under the pressure – according to her – of gendarmes, exonerated his brother-in-law Bernard Laroche: "Even if it tore my heart and that it was Bernard, I'll say it, but it's not him, he was there when I got home from school, it can not be him. "

She also recounts the setbacks with the outbreak of the case during her teenage years, the change of college because it was "mocked" and "[montrée] "and finally the abandonment of school and her dream of becoming a pastry cook In 1985, she made a suicide attempt.

His pbadage in prison, in 2017, was a real ordeal. "It was very hard, I was insulted by the other inmates who called me a child slayer," she says, "I tried to go out once in the yard but received shots. I never went out again. "

In a short excerpt put online by the show "Sept à Huit" on TF1 (to see below), Murielle Bolle expresses herself in front of camera, very moved and on the verge of tears.

"The truth is, I took the school bus that day and Bernard (Laroche) was there when I got home from school," she continues to defend herself. (…) If I had not been afraid of gendarmes and I had not said what they had told me, Bernard might still be here. anyway, every day I think of him ".

At 49, Murielle Bolle remains a key witness in the Gregory affair. Since the events 34 years ago, she never spoke again on the subject. She agreed to deliver her truth, in front of the cameras from Sept to Eight.

Sunday at 19:15 on @ TF1# septà

– Seven to Eight (@ 7a8) November 3, 2018

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