Netflix debits no longer progress in June 2018


Netflix flow rates at Free fell very slightly in June 2018 after several months of a spectacular rise. It must be said that the operator of Xavier Niel went from very far, with ridiculous flows near the end of 2017 and early 2018. The situation now seems to stabilize for the ISP, which however still a lot behind on SFR, Orange and Bouygues Telecom

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Netflix has published its ISP Speed ​​Index for the month of June 2018 for France, a barometer published monthly and indicating which operators offer on average the best rate when using the SVOD platform . After a descent into hell and an untenable situation for Freebox customers in late 2017 and early 2018, Netflix speeds at Xavier Niel's ISP have been climbing steadily in recent months, allowing him to catch up with Orange, SFR and Bouygues.

Free : stabilization of Netflix speeds

Break in June 2018. Free has very slightly regressed with an average speed of 2.77 Mpbs, against 2.78 M the previous month. Given that at the same time Orange and Bouygues Telecom are perfectly stable and that SFR has progressed (in THD or not), Free has therefore been slowed down in its tracks and therefore still a significant delay on its competitors. But thanks to its successive recovery from January to May 2018, Free is in a much worse position than a few months ago.

We told you that the Netflix rates would increase at Free following the installation of a new direct interconnection between Free and Netflix, to avoid saturation of the network. The relations between the operator and the video service seem in any case to have calmed down. But there are still improvements to be made. In July 2018, Free and Netflix subscribers still have trouble connecting or playing videos in good quality.

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 netflix debits

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