Netflix tests a new price schedule – and families could be the big losers


Damien Choppin

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 Netflix tests a new price schedule - and families could be the big losers
The "Luke Cage" series, broadcast on Netflix. Netflix / David Lee

  • Netflix is ​​testing a new fee schedule, with a new "ultra" subscription of up to € 19.99 per month.
  • The price structure displayed differs among users. For some, the ability to watch Netflix on four screens simultaneously would be reserved for subscribers "ultra", while today this option is available to subscribers "premium" to 13.99 euros.
  • The company claims to test "Continually new things" and so it is difficult to know what the conclusions of the current tests will be.

Netflix tests a new fee schedule and families could be the big losers.

The Italian site Tutto Android has indeed discovered that in addition to existing rates – "Base", "standard" and "premium" ranging from 7.99 to 13.99 euros not months – the giant SVOD offers a fourth rate to new customers, dubbed "ultra" , at 16.99 euros per month.

In France, 01Net has found that the offer "ultra" is offered to them at 19.99 euros. By consulting the same page (available here), Netflix offers us a price of 16.99 euros.

screenshot of the Netflix price list on July 4, 2018 as found by Business Insider France. Netflix

Asked by 01Net, Netflix claims to be "continually testing new things" and "these tests usually vary over time."

"We test slight differences in price and features to better understand how important consumers are give Netflix ", says the company. "Not everyone will see this test and we could never offer these specific items to our users."

Netflix has already increased the rates of two of its existing formulas by 1 to 2 euros per additional month in October 2017.

Different options tested according to the user

According to the observations of Tutto Android, Netflix displays two different rates according to the users. In some people, the "premium" offer allows access to the platform on four screens simultaneously – as is the case today – while for others, the "premium" offer does not provide access only two screens at the same time, and must subscribe to the offer "ultra" to be able to watch Netflix on four screens.

On one of the grids, Netflix displays the possibility of viewing the contents in HDR format as a feature reserved for "ultra" subscribers, while the other price list does not mention this option.

Screenshot of a Netflix price list in Italy, which displays an HDR option reserved for the "ultra" rate and a "premium" rate that allows you to watch programs on four screens simultaneously. Tutto Android

Screenshot of a Netflix price list in Italy, which does not mention the HDR option and on which the possibility to watch the programs on four screens is reserved for "ultra" subscribers. Tutto Android

In addition, the first grid includes the ability to watch the programs on two simultaneous screens from the "standard" rate to 10.99 euros, while the second grid reserves this feature to those who subscribe at least the rate "premium", at 13.99 euros

Impossible to know, at the moment, what will be the conclusions of these tests.

But, as a reminder, the features offered by the tariff "ultra" to 16 , 99 or 19.99 euros are currently all offered in the price "premium" to 13.99 euros. Users who can not do without these features could therefore see their bill increase if Netflix decides to generalize this grid

By reserving for example the opportunity to watch Netflix on four screens simultaneously to those who pay at least 16.99 euros families – or group of friends – who share the same subscription would have to pay more.

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