New drowning in the basin of La Villette in Paris


Two days after the drowning of a 26-year-old man in the La Villette basin, a second person died on Thursday night while swimming in a forbidden zone.

New drama in the basin of La Villette in Paris. Less than three days after the drowning of a 26-year-old, a young man in his twenties died on Thursday night. "Several young people were bathing in the basin of Villette and at some point, there is one who did not rise to the surface," said the mayor of Paris. In the morning, Mayor Anne Hidalgo announced the news on Twitter:

These drownings occur in areas prohibited to swimming. For two years, however, it is possible to swim in the basin of the Villette. The town hall has set up three spaces, of different depth, to allow Parisians to swim in the open air and under the supervision of at least eight lifeguards, every day during the summer.

More than three drownings / day last month in France

In a press release issued on Friday, the town hall reminds that it is forbidden and dangerous to swim in the Seine cbads outside this secure area. Swimmers risk "hydrocution" but also problems to go to the surface. The water is very opaque in the capital, it makes "difficult to find people in difficulty". It also warns against "the dangerousness badociated with the bottom of the cbad because of the algae that can keep the swimmers in long immersion."

Wednesday, a young man of 26 years drowned after diving underwater in the basin of La Villette. Not seeing him, a witness went into the water to pick him up and brought him back to the inanimate platform, the Paris Fire Brigade reported.

Between 1 June and 5 July, France recorded 121 deaths from drowning. That's a little more than three per day, reported the health agency Santé Publique France.

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