Neymar's mock pub-confession in Brazil


Star striker Neymar was once again severely attacked by the media and part of public opinion in Brazil because of an advertisement in which he admits his "exaggerations" and presents himself as "a new man "

In an editorial published Monday in its online version, the daily O Globo considers that the 26-year-old has" shot himself again in the foot "with this video on behalf of a brand of razors published Sunday night on social networks.

"I suffer on the ground". In advertising, the most expensive player in history appears in close-up, in black and white, and said to engage "open heart", two weeks after the elimination of Brazil in the final quarter of the World Cup-2018. "You may think that I exaggerate, and sometimes it's true that I exaggerate, but the truth is that I suffer on the ground," he said in the face of critics who accuse him of having simulated many faults at the Mondial-2018

Eu caí. Mas só quem cai, pode rising. Vode pode continuar jogando pedra. Or pode jogar essas pedras fora e me ajudar a ficar de pis. Porque when fico de pe, parça, o Brasil inteiro levanta comigo. #umnovohomemtododia

Assista o vídeo na íntegra: 3EFBx68zL8

– Neymar Jr (@neymarjr) July 30, 2018

Web users annoyed. But most people who have commented on the 26-year-old's Twitter account have clearly questioned his sincerity. "Even I'm a fan since the beginning I can not swallow this text that he did not even write himself", says for example @ guilhermec021.

"After these words 'sincere' written by the editor of the @GilletteBR ad agency and read by @neymarjr, I made a decision: I am going to grow a beard, "said @eduardobarao

The Brazilian site Meio e Mensagem, specialized in advertising, considers that Gillette "took a risk" with this video and compared the situation of Neymar to that of golfer Tiger Woods, dropped by many sponsors, but supported by some others after a badual scandal in 2010.

On Saturday, Neymar had already been heavily criticized because of a photo circulating on social networks on which he appears alongside Julio Cocielo, a young humorist who caused a scandal because of a joke with racist hints about the French striker Kylian Mbappé. During the World Cup, the comedian said on Twitter that Mbappé, teammate of "Ney" at Paris SG, could be a specialist "the pickpocketing on the beach" thanks to its top speed

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