Nice: hardening of awkward parking with the arrival of immobilization hooves


Faced with the awkward parking, the municipality Niçoise decided to crack down. Because the bad parking habits of motorists are stubborn.
Park on pedestrian crossings, disabled or double-file places to make a fast race, this happens frequently.
Too frequently for the authorities niçoises.

As explained Gaël Nofri, councilor in charge of parking:

New clogs

Since Wednesday, July 25, the new clogs arrived. The municipal police has a quarantaine of hooves which allow to block the wheel of the vehicle on the roadway. In a few minutes, the car is immobilized.

178 euros minimum fine

The final fine can be very salty: 22 euros for the fine related to the installation of the shoe, 35 to 135 euros for the fine parking embarrbading and 121 euros for the pound. A minimum of 178 euros in total. Not to mention the time spent and the price of the taxi to pick up his car at the pound.

Practical information:

Before 8 pm: Address of the pound in Nice : 61, Grenoble road. Tel: 04 93 89 18 08

After 20:00, to obtain the essential order of exit of your vehicle it is first necessary to go to the police station with the following papers: [19659013] the vehicle registration certificate

  • your driver's license
  • the payment of the impound fees
  • the insurance certificate
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