Nicolas Hulot calls for "the sacred union" on the climate


The Minister of the Ecological and Solidary Transition gave an interview to the "Journal du dimanche" published on July 29.

"We collectively have an immense responsibility." Nicolas Hulot called, Sunday, July 29, political parties to set aside their divisions for "a sacred union" in the fight against climate change

"We have just experienced a week of climatic extremes: fires in Greece and Sweden, temperature record in France, flood and heatwave in Japan Scientists warn us: 'this is just a trailer' Meanwhile, we look elsewhere " says Minister of Ecological Transition and solidarity in an interview with Journal du dimanche

We can no longer maintain divisions, real or fake, when this issue calls for a universal answer. Political confrontation is necessary, but on this point, let us make peace. Nicolas Hulot in the "Journal du dimanche"

"The fire is on our doorstep, literally as in the sense figurative "continues Nicolas Hulot, regretting that " some political parties are still reluctant to include climate change and biodiversity in Article 1 of the Constitution, as if it was a minor concern ". And to regret the content of recent texts: "Same observation with the states of food and the law on hydrocarbons."

But the minister is confident. " We are now entering the period of solutions, because they are there: they are renewable energies, the electric car, agro-ecology.We have everything to succeed, if we do not hesitate any more" he said. He then presents the next projects: "In September, we will present the plan for adaptation to climate change, built after a year of consultations with territories, businesses."

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