Nicolas Hulot's warning: "Fire is upon us"


In an interview with "JDD", Nicolas Hulot expressed concern about the slow progress in favor of ecology.

As the northern hemisphere is hit by a major heat wave, Nicolas Hulot calls for "a sacred union on the climate" in the JDD this Sunday. The Minister of Ecological Transition wants to put aside "divisions, real or artificial, while this issue calls for a universal response". "Political confrontation is necessary, but on this point, let's make peace," he says as well.

ALSO READ >> Nicolas Hulot unveils his plan for biodiversity

The ecologist has expressed concern about the various climate scourges that have been in the news in recent days. "Fires in Greece and Sweden, temperature records in France, flood and heatwave in Japan.Scientists warn us: 'This is only a trailer', he warns, We collectively have an immense responsibility ". "The fire is on our doorstep, literally as well as figuratively," Nicolas also asks during the interview.

Worried about an already serious ecological situation, Nicolas Hulot pointed out "some political parties [qui] are still reluctant to include climate change and biodiversity in Article 1 of the Constitution, as if it were a minor concern ". The minister plans to include the protection of the environment in Article 1 of the French Constitution. This is the article saying that "France is an indivisible, secular, democratic and social Republic" and that it "ensures equality before the law of all citizens without distinction".

"We have everything to succeed, if we do not hesitate"

Nicolas Hulot also took advantage of the interview to announce the climate change adaptation plan that the government will present at the start of the school year. It highlights renewable energies, the electric car or even agro-ecology as solutions to develop in order to improve the ecological impact of France. "We have everything to succeed, if we do not hesitate," he says.

In JDD he also states that "society as a whole has become aware of these" ecological "issues, but there is still a gap between the apprehension of causes and the implications necessary to treat them. " "On some subjects, I admit, France is not in the nails.As long as we are not on the right track, I will not be satisfied," he says.

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