Nicole Klein will soon be named cabinet director of François de Rugy


Contacted by France 3 Pays de la Loire, Nicole Klein confirms that she is waiting for the publication in the Official Journal of her appointment as Chief of Staff to the Minister of Ecological and Solidarity Transition.

"The ecological transition file is a file I know well" she says, a file largely treated in his duties as prefect. "This nomination is great, it's a challenge, an honor"she told us.

In this capacity, she would continue to closely monitor the future of the lands of the former zad of Notre-Dame-des-Landes.

She should soon replace the current chief of staff, Michèle Pappalardo, who had warned that it would ensure only a transition period after the departure of Nicolas Hulot.

A career in the service of the State

On 25 September, a decree published in the Official Journal stated that Nicole Klein, aged 66, was claiming her pension rights as of November 30, 2018.

A graduate of Ena (Fernand-Braudel promotion, 1985-1987), Nicole Klein has spent most of her career in the state. She was in turn chief of staff of Catherine Tasca in 1989, in charge of mission from September 1990 to May 1991 with the Prime Minister Michel Rocard.

After two years at the World Bank in Washington, she returned to France in 1995 in the prefecture as sub-prefect at Carpentras.

Under the Jospin government, she joined the Ministry of the Interior from September 1997 to November 2000 as Head of Information and Public Relations.

She then joined the prefectural and held various positions in France. Prefect of the Picardie region in 2014, then Haute-Normandie in 2016, she took up her duties as prefect of the Pays de la Loire and Loire-Atlantique region on 6 March 2017.

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