Nintendo hunts pirate hosting sites


You do not mess with intellectual property at Nintendo. The Japanese giant is taking legal action against two websites providing free Internet users, ROMs of its old games. These are and LoveROMS and are – presumably and according to Big N – owned by the same person (or the same group of enthusiasts). The first site has already closed and is not accessible at all; the second, he simply removed all ROM files games from its pages, as announced on Facebook and on the home page of the site.



$ 100 million in damages

Nintendo considers that the owners of the sites " provided a hacking service by violating the rights of Nintendo. These people are not casual gamers, but people who are aware that there are rules regarding intellectual property relating to Nintendo games, and the video game industry in general ".

Suites in these complaints, Nintendo could be entitled to claim up to $ 100 million in damages, considering the number of games that were illegally accessible on these two sites ($ 150,000 per game and $ 2 million for each trademark violation).

However, it is much more likely that the giant is asking for the closing of the sites and asks to get their hands on the domain names to prevent reopening of LoveRetro and permanently close LoveROM.

A long-term fight

Nintendo also recently attacked the GitHub site, a platform hosting development projects. The reason ? The presence of a Game Boy Advance emulator for Internet browser, coded in Java Script, in which several games like Super Mario Advance Legend of Zelda or Dragon Ball Z were accessible. To avoid any lawsuit, GitHub has run and the emulator has disappeared body and many servers. But as the website TorrentFreak points out, this emulator is not the only one available on the Web (or on GitHub) and Nintendo will have some work to do if it wants to make them disappear …

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