Nintendo wants to release dozens of unwanted games a week


 Switch: dozens of indie games a week, the new Nintendo policy

More and more, Nintendo is looking forward to welcoming some titles of all kinds on its hybrid console, allowing its community to tackle to other products than the clbadic (but excellent) exclusives. The Senior Executive Officer of the Japanese company, Susumu Tanaka, recently made some interesting new remarks at a conference with the investors: for him, it is clear and clear, the eShop must to offer independent games en mbade.

During the development of the Nintendo Switch, creating a development environment where it would be easy to create games was one of our top priorities. One of the good things is the large number of independent games, especially in Europe and North America. We do not consider indies as a competition for large-scale games that we develop ourselves: on the contrary, I think these titles are the ones that really reinvigorate our console above all.

The will is clear: display more small, more daring, more conceptual products from anywhere on the portable machine. The company likes to call them "Nindies" and admits having worked with Unity and Epic Games (for Unreal Engine) to ensure the best possible compatibility on Switch. Executive Director Susumu Tanaka, also present at the meeting, gives more details:

Some of these titles already released have sold millions of times around the world. We plan to release between 20 and 30 independent games on Nintendo Switch per week in the future and we expect to see some very good ones among them.

The CEO of the company itself, Tatsumi Kimishima, also came to give a final information that provides a first overview of work in progress, stating that "1500 games developed on Unity for Nintendo" were for example in production course. The eShop should soon be riddled with various experiences, greatly increasing the catalog already deployed. To see if the qualitative average will not take a big blow …



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