Numerical regulations: the 4 priority axes of the Estates General


Taxation, data, work and platforms are at the heart of the new digital regulations that are opening up in France.

Reflecting on the coherence of existing initiatives and laying the foundations for a global regulatory framework for " digital giants "(otherwise known as GAFAM et al.). These are the main objectives of the "Estates General of the new digital regulations."

They were launched Thursday, July 26 by Mounir Mahjoubi, Secretary of State to Digital, and follow the intervention last May of Emmanuel Macron at Vivatech. The aim is to promote a framework that is "adapted and adaptable" for the coming decade.

"France wants to think about intelligent regulations in several areas such as taxation, data sharing, the status of platforms ". Not to mention "the role of the collaborative economy, the moderation of online content or the operation of regulators in the face of these new challenges," said Mounir Mahjoubi, quoted in a statement. All stakeholders are concerned

Influencing the international debate on four levels

The working groups are therefore composed of representatives of civil society and public actors. The reflections undertaken concern four priority areas:

1. economic (what regulation for digital and its platforms?);
2. social (the collaborative economy and the protection of its workers)
3. societal (from data protection to personal protection)
4. method (which legal and technical tools at the disposal of the regulators?)

The works resulting from these states-general are called to feed an international reflection on these stakes. "France has a vision that is both powerful and humane [du numérique] that we must promote to our European partners and internationally", added the Secretary of State.

"There are already reports on different subjects, legislative texts that provide solutions to respond to the urgency on certain problems," said Mounir Mahjoubi in an interview granted to Figaro . "But we lack a global framework to give unity to all this, to express a real long-term vision."

It is up to the National Council of Digital (CNNum) renewed to animate this site. 19659011] [ad_2]
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