Official: Paulinho leaves Barça to return to Guangzhou Evergrande – Liga 2017-2018 – Football


TRANSFERS – FC Barcelona made Sunday the transfer of Paulinho to Guangzhou Evergrande. A year after his arrival at Barça, the Brazilian midfielder will find the Chinese club, he had left to join Catalonia in the form of loan with option to buy. With a very nice salary increase to the key.

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The Barcelona experience lasted only one year for Paulinho. The Brazilian community is already back in China. Barça confirmed its transfer to Guangzhou Evergrande Sunday night in a statement, confirming the announcement made earlier by the Chinese club on its website. This is ultimately a loan with a call option that has not been disclosed. According to the Madrid daily As and the Catalan radio RAC1, it would amount to 50 million euros. And she would be obligatory.

It's a comeback for Paulinho, who left Guangzhou Evergrande to join Barça a year ago. A return for which the Chinese club has put the means. According to the Catalan media, the international Auriverde, author of a goal against Serbia (2-0) at the 2018 World Cup, will receive the tidy sum of 14 million euros per year. It would almost tripled the income he received in Barcelona, ​​estimated at 5 million euros per year.

The financial operation on a player aged 29 is not negligible for Barça. But his departure will have to be compensated on the sporting level. If his ability to win at Barça raised some doubts, and even mockery, Paulinho has admirably proven on the field by signing a successful exercise with 9 goals in 49 games in all competitions. It had a significant impact in the Barcelona midfield. It is now up to the Catalan leaders to find a way to compensate him.

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