Orange and other telecom operators study the acquisition of Molotov


As an air of imminent redemption. After the trio France Televisions, M6 and TF1, it is the turn of Orange lorgner Molotov.

According to the information of BFM Business, the service of television by internet will soon "exhausted" the totality of the 32 millions of euros it has raised since its inception. It is common knowledge, the latter has great difficulty in monetizing his service although it is popular and quality. To achieve financial equilibrium, it would require between 500,000 and 750,000 paying subscribers, but Molotov is far from the account, the daily L'Opinion table on 6000 to 7000 subscribers to paid offers. As a result, the start-up would look for a new buyer and "hope to succeed by the fall," the news channel reveals this morning. If the negotiations with France Televisions, M6 and TF1 did not succeed last month, the badtail of chains in OTT asking the trifle of 100 million euros, this time is several "telecom operators including Orange" studying a possible buyout, reports the chain according to industrial sources. The incumbent operator has for the moment refused to comment and Molotov considers that certain information in the article is incorrect without citing it.

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