Orban "does not want" an EU led by France


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday that he "does not want a European Union led by France", holding the next "decisive" European elections in an interview with the German newspaper Bild . "We have never been faced with such a decisive election," said Orban, interviewed by the tabloid on the European elections to be held in May 2019.

"The Germans should be vigilant above all. there is a French concept which basically means: French leadership of Europe, paid for by German money ", launched in this interview posted on the website of the daily newspaper the head of the Hungarian government, without ever naming the French President Emmanuel Macron. "This is something I reject, we do not want a European Union under French leadership (…) The Europeans must be heard and we must wait for the European elections before taking important decisions", as on the budget or immigration, added the populist leader.

Emmanuel Macron estimated at the beginning of July that the "real border in Europe" was that separating "progressives" and "nationalists" and that their confrontation would be "at the heart" of 2019 "The fight is clearly posed" and will be "at the heart of the stakes of the European election of 2019", had declared the head of the French state.

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