Overwatch: a petition to change the name from Bouldozer to Hammond


Blizzard unveiled this week the 28th Hero of Overwatch and this is Hammond . Except that it is not a monkey, but a very cute hamster, who fights in a ball that he himself made around his capsule used to flee the Moon Colony Horizon . [19659002] Overwatch Wrecking Ball 28 06 2018 pic 1 (3) ” width=”620″ height=”349″/>

Yet, stunned by launching Overwatch on the test server, the character is called Bouldozer or Wrecking Ball in original version . A name that ticks many players, who call him elsewhere Hammond for the moment, so much so that a petition was launched to ask Blizzard change of name from Bouldozer / Wrecking Ball to Hammond .

The name is not inspired, not cool, and the vast majority of Overwatch players do not like it and would much prefer its current name, "Hammond."

An idea that may seem interesting, because Bouldozer is a bit ugly, but that does not does not really respect the universe of Overwatch . In the game, Heroes often use pseudonyms that recall their history, their past whatsoever Soldier: 76 ( Jack Morrison ), Doomfist ( Akande Ogundimu ), Jackal / Junkrat ( Jamison Fawkes ), Fatal ( Amelie Lacroix ), Trace ( Lena Oxton ) or Reaper ( Gabriel Reyes )

In short, Bouldozer is the nickname of Hammond who was the champion of Rolling mill of Junkertown and which makes so reference to his life in Australia far from the laboratories and to his career as a mysterious warrior. Clearly, Bouldozer is not ready to change his name even though most players will undoubtedly call him Hammond between them. Or Hamtaro .

LET'S PLAY – Overwatch: video discovery of Hammond and his Bouldozer

 copy editor vignette clint008 Amaury M. (Clint008)
Copywriter PC – Tester
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