Overwatch League: a team in Paris financed by the owners of OM? – Pop culture


According to ESPN reports, the Overwatch eSport League will host at least two new teams next season. Of which one based in Paris.

The first season of the Overwatch eSport league concludes this weekend with the London Spitfire final at the Philadelphia Fusion at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, with a million dollars to the key. Behind the scenes, we are already preparing the second year for Blizzard and our colleagues from ESPN announced on July 27, 2018 that a French team could join the competition.

More concretely, the professional championship of Overwatch would host a structure in Paris funded by McCourt Global, a group based in Los Angeles who, in France, already owns Olympique de Marseille – a shame, it must be admitted. According to ESPN, a second Chinese team, founded by Nenking Group, would also swell the ranks.

Overwatch. Blizzard

Between two and six new teams

Paris and Guanghzou would pave the way for the expansion of the Overwatch League, knowing that Blizzard would like more teams located outside the United States, even if they would be financed by American structures (this would be the case for the French capital). For the first season, only three of the 12 teams entered were not from Uncle Sam (London, Shanghai, Seoul).

Apparently, the Professional League would like to sell six seats by next month, each billed between $ 30 and $ 60 million (compared to $ 20 million the first year). A price that varies according to several factors: the number of actors involved in the tender, the density of players of Overwatch and the population of the city concerned.

This is in any case a sign that the Overwatch League is doing very well. In figures, ESPN recalls that it would have raised more than 200 million dollars in sponsorship (Intel, HP Open, Toyota, T-Mobile, Spotify …), not counting the rights of diffusion sold to Amazon (Twitch) and Disney (to from the playoffs of the inaugural season).

Numbered by Numerama, Blizzard has not answered yet.

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