Overwatch League: London Spitfire win inaugural season


Last night, the Barclays Center in New York hosted the grand finale of the first season of the Overwatch League . After a fun ceremony with DJ Khaled the suspense was short-lived, as the Philadelphia Fusion was rolled over by the London Spitfire who won so this inaugural season of OWL .

 London Spitfire Overwatch League 2018

It took only two games (3-1 and 3-0) to the English team, but still composed only of Korean players, to sweep the hopes of Fusion . Poko the only French player participating in this grand finale, was able to send beautiful Autodestructions with his D.Va that was not enough to make tremble Bdosin Gesture Fury birdring or again Profit . It is moreover the latter who leaves with the title of MVP whereas all the hopes were so far turned towards Carp DPS of Philadelphia Fusion .

The Overwatch League is therefore over for the moment, and France had the chance to watch the matches live, but in the middle of the night, on the channel Twitch of the event . Yesterday evening, Julien Josselin and Christophe Lemaitre (wearing his best shirt LA Valiant ) were invited for the occasion on the set based in Paris, but must especially highlight the exceptional work of presenters and casteurs French : Lutti (nicknamed Rap God ), Shaytwan Adyboo AlphaCast Itaah [19659007] FAYAw FunKa Rivenzi Albless Zaroide as well as "the men of the shadow" (there are also women, despite this expression), who made us live nights of madness throughout this inaugural season of OWL .

The official competitions of Overwatch will however continue, with the first All-Star Game where the players ( Division Pacific against Atlantic Division ) selected by the fans will compete from August 26th. Then comes the World Cup on November 3 where Poko can take revenge "With the 6" (this is the name of the team). He will be accompanied by aKm ( Dallas Fuel ), BenBest ( Young and Beautiful ), NiCO Eagle Gaming uNKOE (Dallas Fuel), SoOn ( Los Angeles Valiant ) and Winz . Basically, we find almost the entire team of Snape . The previous two World Cup were won by the South Korean team, it's about to change the game this year!

Oh, and to remind you, Overwatch is still playable for free on PC for a few hours

Blizzard Gear Store: the jerseys of the playoffs of the Overwatch League are on sale

 copywriter vignette clint008 Amaury M. (Clint008)
Writer PC – Tester
Explorer of music more or less noisy, collector of caps and venerator of Blade Runner . I love zombies and Cthulhu .
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