Parcoursup: 17,000 young people still without affection in higher education


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<p> A high school student looks at the results of her wishes on the site Parcousup, Lille, May 22, 2018DENIS CHARLET </p>
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Nearly 17,000 young people including 10,000 graduates are still waiting for a place in higher education on the Parcoursup platform, said Monday the Minister of Higher Education Frédérique Vidal.

Interviewed on LCI on the number of candidates still without affection for the next school year, Mrs. Vidal answers that they are currently "17.000 among which 10.000 graduates".

"There are 60,000 more graduates than last year who have already found their training for the return to the same date and thus, we finish to accompany these 17,000 candidates who are still looking for training"

Last year, they were, at the end of July, a little over 65,000 young people enrolled on the former post-bac admission platform (APB) without badignment to the university.

In total this this year, "they are 593,000 to have had a definitive yes and 80% to have accepted it. So we have 20% of young people who have other choices and who are waiting to see, "she added.This 20% mainly concern young people waiting to see if they are caught on one of their (s) wish (s) on waiting list

To date, nearly 150,000 young people have left the platform, and in mid-July, 90,000 left Parcoursup after having received at least one of their greetings

According to the Minister, this figure can be explained in part by the fact that "Parcoursup does not have the entire training offer" such as the nursing institutes or Science Po.

"We will make a final badessment September and we will see if there are things to improve, "she said.

Questioned about the selection procedures used by some institutions including the use of algorithms, the Minister believes that "No subject": "What schools tell me is that they worked on the basis of Exc files and admissions juries and I believe them. "

Several organizations opposed to the law on new terms of access to university and Parcoursup -Unef (student union), the FCPE (federation of parents of students), the Ferc-CGT and Snesup-FSU (unions of higher education teachers), the UNL (union high school student) and the SAF (syndicate of lawyers of France) – as well as the president of the Conseil départemental de Seine -Saint-Denis, announced in mid-July to have seized the Defender of the rights to "shed light on the modalities of selection".

At the beginning of the procedure, 812.000 candidates -lycéens of Terminale and students in reorientation– had confirmed at least one wish on Parcoursup, a figure comparable to last year.

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