And if the video of a teacher of Créteil (Val-de-Marne) pointed by a high school student, with a dummy weapon, had broken the omerta? Since Monday, the testimonials flock to social networks, behind the hashtag #PasDeVague. Secretary General of the National Union of National Education Executive Staff (SNPDEN), Philippe Vincent admits that instructions have been given to trace as few cases of violence as possible.
As a headteacher, do you understand the teachers' alarm?
PHILIPPE VINCENT. There are two phenomena that explain this. One, we have long been entitled to speeches from our superiors that were to say "Do not do too much discipline advice, do not make too many bad reports on your establishment." The idea was not to stigmatize this or that place in relation to another. It was incited to put this violence under the carpet, and it could have frustrated the teachers who are suffering from it. Then there is a difference of appreciation. Sometimes, we are not going to characterize the facts in the same way as the teachers, nor to report back to the rectorate they would have liked. And here too, it can create rancor and misunderstanding in an establishment.
Is it true that school heads are silent in the interests of their careers?
When the authority that evaluates you is the same one that asks you to limit the number of disciplinary councils in your college or in your high school, it becomes problematic. Of course, you do not write in black and white "Do not talk about the violence in your schoolyard or you will not have a bonus". But if the drop in the number of sanctions is in your objectives and they increased during your stay, we can blame you when you request a transfer. Some colleagues may have given in to this pressure.
Do you feel that things are changing?
Yes, I have the impression. We are trying to better support the staff who are victims of violence. And when I see the Minister of National Education say that disciplinary councils must be held as soon as necessary, I find that there is a change in the attitude of our hierarchy.
READ ALSO>#PasdeVague: "And there, a student calls me a bitch"
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