Pavageau, boss of FO: "The politics of the" I walk alone "of the president, it is zero pointed"


Emmanuel Macron meets this Tuesday the social partners to define the social agenda – responsible – for future reforms. This is the first time since his election that the head of state will receive the main union and employer leaders at the Elysee for a two-hour meeting. In May and October 2017, before the Labor and Vocational Reform Orders, they had received the social partners, but separately, which had been criticized by some unions.

Nearly three months after his election as head of state of Force Ouvrière, third union in France, Pascal Pavageau, 49, denounces a "mortifère policy" on the social level. And already calls for a mobilization in the autumn.

What do you expect from this meeting at the Elysee?

PASCAL PAVAGEAU. We have been asking for two months to be heard by the executive. In principle, this meeting with the President of the Republic is therefore a very good thing. We hope that this appointment will become annual.

The numbers one of the unions and the employers saw themselves on July 11th. What was it for?

It had never been seen in fifteen years. It is neither trivial nor secondary. This is a way of saying to the Head of State: "You do not want to work with us, and we are able to work without you. »

What will you decide after having been received?

After this meeting and the proposals that the Head of State will make to us, it will be necessary for the eight leaders to see each other in September , so as to set the topics on which we agree to negotiate or not, and those we want to treat on our own. For FO, we will put on the table the status of executives, telecommuting, workers of digital platforms.

Emmanuel Macron wants to launch with you a new "social contract". Are you ready?

FO does not come to sign a "social contract" with the president. If it is to continue the logic of breaking collective rights, it will be without us! There must be a before and after July 17, 2018. The politics of the "I walk alone" conducted for a year by the president on the social, it is a zero point.

Do you believe in a social turn of the president's policy?

If he gives us a hand on the UI bargain, it will be a first step. But there is no question of imposing a point of arrival such as the hardening of the rules of compensation!

What do you expect from the poverty plan that was postponed to September?

If this postponement leads to more redistribution towards the 14% of the poorest, very good! But this change seems unlikely to me. The last speech of the President at Versailles worries us a lot.

Consultations are conducted by Jean-Paul Delevoye on retirement. What is your position on this future reform?

FO is clearly opposed to it. What does "point retirement for each person" mean? The government has to tear down its cards. Everyone will lose, especially women and those with minced careers (unemployment, illness, hazards, etc.). The point system is the endless job: no one will have enough points to retire at a decent age.

Do you envisage mobilizations in September?

I invited Twelve union and youth organizations to meet in late August to build an inter-professional movement in the fall, perhaps in October. It is a question of stopping this mortiferous policy on the social level.

What is your badessment of the SNCF conflict?

The situation is the sole responsibility of the president and the government. With the railway reform, they decided to break the status of railway workers. 127,000 railway workers were humiliated. And the employers today refuse to negotiate a collective agreement worthy of the name. If there is a risk of radicalization of movements, at the SNCF, as in energy, hospitals or businesses, it is because they were refused negotiation. We have been alerting since our April convention. To be so brutal, to refuse bargaining, we slide on a very dangerous slope. Next time it will not be a ripped shirt. This will escape everyone. There is hatred. This is what I will also say to the president.

The Medef has a new boss, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux. What do you think this change of heart means to you?

I welcome the fact that he agreed to come on July 11 ( Editor's note: at the upstream meeting of all the number one unions of employees and employers ). But we will see in the coming months. If he refuses to enter a social negotiation to be content to lobby the head of state, it will not do it. I warned him and even advised him to change the "One Million Jobs" pin for a T-shirt on which it would be written "Long live paritarism and interpro bargaining."

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