Pénicaud hopes for a "social agenda" in September


Emmanuel Macron is scheduled to meet with union and employer leaders on July 17th.

The meeting scheduled for July 17 between President Emmanuel Macron and union leaders and employers should allow the back to have a "social agenda", said Saturday the Minister of Labor Muriel Pénicaud.

" We have already conducted a fundamental reform around the labor law ". "The idea is still back to having a social agenda consistent and quality," she told reporters on the sidelines of the Economic Meeting in Aix-en-Provence. "We are in a context where we have already conducted a fundamental reform around labor law, we are in the process of conducting a second for the freedom to seize his professional future, for skills, equal opportunities", she said.

"Beyond that, there is a broader social agenda that employers 'and workers' organizations also wish to discuss," she continued.

"We have not finished the reforms of France. " With the election this week of Geoffroy Roux de Bezieux to the presidency of Medef, and the recent arrival of Pascal Pavageau at the head of Force Ouvriere, "we have a landscape today that will be stable for the coming years. employers and trade unions, "said the minister, saying that during the election campaign, the discussion was" more difficult for social dialogue. "

" We have not finished the reforms of France, we do not has not finished making France succeed, we have not finished fighting against mbad unemployment, that's all we'll discuss with the social partners, "she added, refusing to specify what specific topics the executive wanted to include in this social agenda.

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