"pension reforms have forced people to work longer"



This is a real trend in society: in 2017, more than six out of ten seniors worked, a proportion that has increased sharply in 10 years, according to a study by INSEE published Thursday. An evolution that is "linked to the succession of pension reforms," ​​explains on Europe 1 Serge Guérin, sociologist, senior specialist, author of The silver economy .

Senior at age 45. Last year, the employment rate for 50-64 year olds was 61.5%, 8.2 points higher than in 2007, says INSEE. This increase is "above all carried by people aged 55 or over," adds the Institute. "The reality is different from the figures of the INSEE, which counts from age 50. Now, from age 45, one is considered a senior in the companies", estimates for his part Serge Guérin. The sociologist states several reasons for this development, first of all the fact that there are "more people over 50 years old than ten years ago". "It is therefore normal that they represent a larger share of the workforce," he says.

Serge Guerin also believes that the world of work has changed. "In France, there was a long-standing culture of putting the elderly out of the country extremely early, and they had even better to leave.This has changed quite a bit: the various reforms have forced people to work longer, either because that they are not of legal retirement age, either because financially, their situation is difficult, "he says.

More jobs … With a legal retirement age and a number of years of gradual increase to 62 and 43, the employment rate for 60-64 year olds increased by 13 , 5 points (at 29.2%), that of 55-59 years of 17.0 points (at 72.4%). Seniors are the only age group that has experienced a rise in its rate, while those aged 15-24 (-2.1 points) and 25-49 years (-1.9 points) are down.

… but more precariousness. Still, while older people are more likely to work than before, they are not immune to precariousness. Among employed seniors, one in five (20.6%) is part-time. This share is up 2.2 points, while part-time work is stable among 25-49 year olds (+ 0.2%, at 16.2%). "In many cases, part-time work is done, often because they are not offered full time, but seniors sometimes choose part-time because they can not do more physically, or do not want it. because they want to end their working life quietly, "says Serge Guérin.

Finally, if the activity rate of older people increases, unemployment still strikes hard this layer of the French population. "There are still many seniors who find themselves unemployed.The unemployment rate for seniors has increased by 50% under the five-year Hollande, and we often talk about long-term unemployment for these people," said Serge Guerin. A situation that will last with the programmed aging of the population.

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