Perquisitions: Mélenchon accuses Macron of a "coup-mounted"


This is another step in the escalation of the words of France insubordinate for ten days, in all the media and the multiple social networks of the party. But this time, it is directly the leader of the movement, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who attacks the head of state. According to him, it is obvious, the searches that took place on October 16 at the headquarters of his party, at home and at several of his collaborators – that he made live live to the Net surfers – are an order that came of the Elysee to "stumble, knock down insubordinate France," he had already denounced.

"Instrumentalising justice and the media"

This Saturday, in La Provence, the Bouches-du-Rhône MP goes to the next level. After having already pretended to badyze that it was "Macronie entered into agony" that wanted "to pay us this agony", Jean-Luc Mélenchon targets a little more the president, however, be careful not to pronounce his name. "The culprit of the coup-mounted is at the Elysee," says the elected Marseille, who says "in shock".

A small sentence that is likely to react to the highest state, which sees Jean-Luc Mélenchon intensify his diatribes for a few days. Already on October 19, he believed that "Macronie" had found relays "by exploiting the police, the justice and the media". Three days later, he regretted a "war" waged against him by "some" of justice, the police and the media. And to give a heartfelt tribute to the journalists, easily discrediting their role as a tool of democracy.

"No exceptions!"

"Justice is out of order, it would be insulting to think the opposite," had responded in particular the custody of the Seals Nicole Belloubet, who was even annoyed on BFM TV: "I'm tired of all these suspicions that they weigh on the independence of justice, "she said, strongly denying that they had been notified of these searches before they began. As for Emmanuel Macron, he had slipped a little reminder to order since 18 October, since the European Council in Brussels: "The judicial authority is an independent authority in our country, and I am the guarantor. For everyone. No offense to some, there is no exception! "Jean-Luc Mélenchon had just released 5 hours of audition and had commented:" Mr. Macron, it's time to rewind your film, all that is missed. The maneuver is completely missed. "

Insubordinate France is subject to two preliminary inquiries. One opened following alleged "over-billing" during Jean-Luc Mélenchon's 2017 presidential campaign, which his adviser Sophia Chikirou belies. The other concerns alleged fictitious jobs of badistants in the European Parliament. During the searches of the 16th, LFI militants and police officers came to blows in a surreal atmosphere, as shown by videos shared on social networks. Several police unions then denounced the "unacceptable" attitude of the MP, Alliance and Alternative Police-CFDT calling the Minister of the Interior Christophe Castaner to file a complaint, while SGP-Police FO claimed "public apology" to the head of LFI file.

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