Pharmaceutical giant GSK plans dismantling


The management of the British group would think about the creation of an autonomous entity specializing in pharmacy and vaccines, according to the "Financial Times"

These are just discussions. But they could change the future of one of the largest pharmaceutical groups in the world with $ 78 billion in capitalization. According to the Financial Times, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) plans to dismantle its business in the medium term

GSK President Philip Hampton discusses with the main shareholders the medium-term creation of an autonomous entity specialized in Pharmacy and vaccines, says the FT, citing several sources

Shareholder pressure

This dismantling project, which could end up "within two to three years", is carried by several investors in the group. Some have been clamoring for months to split the consumer division to maximize profitability

GSK's stock price has strengthened considerably in recent months, surpbading its January level by more than 18%. However, it is down by nearly 5% compared to 2017. Asked by several media, GSK did not wish to comment.

Raphael Bloch

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