Philippe wants to win the "race against the clock" against the "anger" of citizens


Aix-en-Provence, July 7, 2018 – Prime Minister Edouard Philippe badured Saturday that he wants to win the "race against the clock facing the anger" of citizens, thanks to the "tenacity" of the government.

" In this world which is marked at its beginning by anger, which pays in fine, what ensures and the glory and the success, it is the tenacity ", has-it- he declared during the Economic Meeting of Aix-en-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhône).

" The coming world is a dangerous world not just about the questioning of multilateralism and economic wars ," he said. " It is also a dangerous world, and in a dangerous world, it is better to be stable on its supports and prepared ," he added.

Stressing that societies were currently traversed by a potentially devastating " anger ", the head of the government felt that " must succeed in this race against the clock " for the 'switch off.

And for that, it is necessary " to look with lucidity the situation of the country as it is ", in other words " not rejoicing ", he judged. " It is a country in which for a very long time there has been a form of renunciation to make sometimes difficult decisions to make, sometimes difficult to explain ".

Citing " an extremely ambitious system in terms of solidarity (…) but of which we can not say that the effects and efficiency are at the rendezvous ", or again " a school that does not work as it should work ", Mr. Philip justified the reforms of the government, intended according to him to make France the country" the most competitive and the most attractive "from Europe.

According to an Elabe poll released on Thursday, Emmanuel Macron and Édouard Philippe recorded a sharp drop in popularity in June, garnering only 34% and 31% of respondents' confidence respectively, a six-point drop in one month.

It is in this context that the head of state must return Monday to the Congress at Versailles to set the course of the government.

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