PHOTO. Patrick Sébastien unveils the face of his daughter Lily for the first time


Patrick Sébastien poses with his daughter Lily and his wife Nana on the cover of Gala, published Thursday, November 29. In the columns of the magazine, the animator confides on the story of his adopted daughter.

It's the first time that Patrick Sébastien shows the face of his daughter Lily. The evicted French host 2 poses in front of the magazine Gala in newsstands Thursday, November 29, alongside his adopted daughter and his wife girl. With a smile on her lips, the little family seems particularly happy and united. In an interview with the weekly, the presenter of the Biggest Cabaret of the World and Years of Happiness evokes with open heart, the story of his adopted daughter, not without emotion. "I have a special relationship with her because she comes from far away, from Tahiti, 15,000 kilometers from the house, while my father in my village did not even come to get me 15,000 centimeters from his house. What binds a family is love, not the blood we have in common, I know what I'm talking about Lily and I have one thing in common, we do not know our father ", he indulges himself.

Patrick Sébastien also comes back to the arrival of Lily In his family. "I wanted a little one, coming from afar and colorful", he explains before clarifying that his daughter "has arrived" at a painful time in his life. "I lost the woman of my life, that is my mother," He recounts. "I managed to build a family that I did not have, an atypical family because I'm married to a woman who can not have children because she does not have female hormones." My daughter helps me to hold on, she is essential to me, it is for her that I fight, that I stand up ", declared Patrick Sébastien. A poignant statement.

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