Platini says "Go the Blues!"


"I will be at home in Cbadis with all my family and my friends in front of the television to support Didier Deschamps and the France team, go the Blues!", The former leader of the Blues told AFP.

"Come on the Blues!", Encourages Michel Platini, who will follow the final of the 2018 World Cup between France and Croatia, this Sunday at 17:00 French, with family from his home in the south-east of France , he told AFP in the morning. "I will be at home in Cbadis with all my family and my friends in front of the television to support Didier Deschamps and the France team, go to the Blues!", He told AFP.

In pictures: Ultimate training of the Blues before the final

The former leader of the Blues hopes the lifting of his suspension

The former boss of UEFA was suspended by Fifa until October 2019 for violation of the code of ethics, for having received 1.8 million euros from the former president of the International Football Federation Sepp Blatter in payment for the work of advisor without contract written. Swiss civil justice was also interested in this case. But in May, a letter from a Swiss prosecutor indicated that Platini was put out of action "as is".

The lawyer of the former leader of the Blues felt that there had "no charge" against his client and that he would not be "prosecuted" at the judicial level in Switzerland. But the Swiss Public Prosecutor (MPC) had tempered this badysis, stating that in the context of his status of person brought to testify, "if we find elements, the case Platini is not definitively finished". The former captain of the Blues, now 62, now hopes that FIFA will lift its suspension, and calls for the abolition of its ethics commission.

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