Pogba poses on vacation with Umtiti, Nzonzi, World Cup and … players from Belgium – 2018 World Cup – Football


Paul Pogba started his vacation in Los Angeles with Steven Nzonzi, Samuel Umtiti, Adil Rami, the World Cup and … players from Belgium.

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Want to follow Paul Pogba's post-World Cup vacation? See you on his Instagram! You will see in particular that the middle of Manchester United is accompanied by other French players like Steven Nzonzi, Adil Rami and Samuel Umtiti … and that he took the World Cup with him, in any case the "transportable" version . The four players landed on the red carpet of an evening but they also crossed the road of two players from Belgium: Marouane Fellaini and Adnan Januzaj. The two Red Devils, teammates of the draw in England, were not against a photo with the trophy obviously, thus burying the hatchet.

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