POINT OF VIEW. Should Froome start the Tour?


Bleached by the International Cycling Union (UCI), the British cyclist Christopher Froome will indeed start the Tour de France 2018, Saturday, July 7 in Noirmoutier (Vendée).

The question was asked for a long time : Should Froome start the Tour de France? Amaury Sport Organization answered Sunday, excluding it. Monday, it was learned that, based on the World Anti-Doping Agency, the International Cycling Union (UCI) had decided to whitewash. Decision then endorsed by the direction of the Tour. Its room for maneuver was, it is true, very slim.

It all started during the last Tour of Spain, where the British rider was tested positive for salbutamol, with a rate almost twice the authorized threshold. Recall that in 2012, Alberto Contador was suspended for two years, with retroactive effect, for small amounts of clenbuterol found in a sample taken on a rest stage of the Tour 2010. The Spanish rider saw himself thus, 565 days after his positive control, withdraw the benefit of the 2010 Tour and the Giro 2011. Alessandro Petacchi (in 2007) and Diego Ulissi (in 2014) were also sanctioned, for salbutamol levels lower than those of Christopher Froome.

Of all this, we will first remember the slowness of the procedure. Which is explained, and this is quite legitimate, by the right of the defense to be heard. But not only. Seven million euros in litigation costs allowed Sky to point out the possible non-relationship between the high rate of salbutamol and the intention to boost itself. The UCI could counterattack. But by exposing himself to possible requests for compensation to which his meager budget would not have made it possible to answer.

Second point: whatever it is with the bottom of the file, the anti-doping fight is weakened. Because if the case is precedent (and why would not it?), As well suspend the controls for the meager runners making efforts in the heat – short for everyone. Finally, the honest man will retain the idea of ​​a kind of double standard, depending on whether or not the riders and their teams have significant financial means.

Sport does not come out of it.

Especially since many questions related to Froome. On its developed average power (superior or not, several times, the 410 watts considered as the limit beyond which there would be doping proved).

On the use by Sky of an aerodynamic addition during the Dusseldorf Tour 2017 stage (the "vortex", validated afterwards, while providing an undeniable advantage for the time trial – like the LeMond triathlete handlebar on the 1989 Tour). On the "catch-up" of Froome at the end of the stage of the Tour 2016 Mont Ventoux (victim of an accident caused by a motorcycle, he had benefited, after arrival, a credit of 1 minute and 40 minutes. seconds, something very rare in cycling …). The quite unusual solitary raid of Froome, on 80 kilometers, on May 25th, in a Giro where he had until then mainly displayed its limits, had, in this context, not helped extinguish the fire. 19659009] In the end, the only sure thing is that the sport does not grow by any means. However, let us salute the lively call made by Bernard Hinault on June 27, asking the riders to go on strike if Froome took the start of the Tour. For the first time in the history of cycling, a runner – and which! – addressed his peers in a case of this type. Let us salute this "whistle-blower" gesture in a world where, on many levels, there is a growing desire for transparency and more direct democracy.

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