Presence of police or gendarmes at school: is it feasible?


"I do not exclude the physical presence of the police" in the establishments. At the end of a week when the controversy has continued to swell after the threats of a student of high school Édouard-Branly of Créteil on a teacher with a fake gun, including a release of speech among teachers with the hashtag #PasdeVague, Interior Minister Christophe Castaner gave an initial idea Friday of measures that could be taken by the government to stem the phenomenon of school violence. And among these measures, therefore, "the physical presence of the police". This idea, which regularly returns to the public debate, and which is even applied to certain places, such as Nice, has many critics today.

Where and how: the position of Christophe Castaner. If he did not go into the details of the measure, remaining voluntarily … vague, Christophe Castaner nevertheless said Friday in what context the police could intervene in the school environment. Regarding the location, the Minister of the Interior spoke of "the most difficult neighborhoods". As for the moment, he mentioned "moments of particular tension in the day". Concerning the decision-making process, he said that this measure should be taken "obviously with the agreement of the school head". "It gives the impression that the national police can stop the bleeding with a simple bandage", is irritated Benoît Barret, Deputy National Secretary of Alliance Alliance, majority in the police, who regrets that the power seems "to discover the phenomenon of violence in colleges and high schools, which is not new. "

Heard on Europe 1

To say that we will take police officers to put them in high schools, it seems complicated to me to set up

"I understand that the political authority reacts to this (the video of Créteil, ed), the opposite would have been curious, but say today that we will put policemen or gendarmes behind every high school or college, it's very complicated to set up because the current staff of the national police are already in difficulty, "says Benoît Barret at the microphone of Europe 1." The brigades of rotation, which answer the calls of 17, are already in dramatic situations in terms of numbers, brigades that are seven or eight units, or even less.To say that we will take police officers to put them in high schools, it seems complicated to put in place. there is a societal problem, it is the police who must stick to it.Tomorrow, if there is a problem with the butchers and butchers, we will put a policeman in front of each butcher's shop or every cold meats, if tomorrow, he there are problems with the pompi stes with the price of gas, we will put a policeman behind each gas pump, it will be complicated … Except to believe that we have a significant reinforcement of the police or gendarmerie.

The Federation of Parents' Councils (CIPF) is also skeptical of this measure, not so much about its feasibility as its usefulness. "I prefer to believe that it is a political announcement, and that the government will come back with more peaceful and more responsible things," insisted its president, Raymond Artis, on Europe 1. "If there is only police officers to provide education, schools will now be treated as reformatories, and I hope that nobody wants that in France.This is to deal with issues of violence, to take care of them and, in this context, the presence of the police in an establishment can only be exceptional. " At the end of 2016, a report on "police and gendarmes' interventions in the area of ​​school security", co-authored by Anne Wuilleumier and Éric Debarbieux, identified a number of potential tensions and tensions around teaching on one side and safety on the other.

Jean-Michel Blanquer, pioneer in the field. It was based in particular on the badysis of the functioning of mobile security teams (EMS), these units made up of police officers / gendarmes and national education staff, who carry out prevention as well as crisis management institutions. They were born in 2009 in the academy of Créteil, under the impulse of a rector named Jean-Michel Blanquer …

The current Minister of Education is more openly supportive of the police presence around the schools than his counterpart in the interior. It is also he who, at the beginning of the year, approved an experimental device in Nice. Pioneer in the link between police and school since the attack on the Promenade des Anglais, July 14, 2016, the city hall has indeed validated the presence of municipal police in front of the institutions. Last July, the badessment of the experiment was considered "positive", even "very positive" by the director of a school.

Heard on Europe 1

Anything that will turn schools into recovery houses will not suit us

"We do not think it's the best thing," says CIPF. "Yes, we must take care of violence and incivility, but there are methods that we believe are starting to put more resources into staff, doctors, nurses, social workers, supervisors. will lead to turn schools into recovery houses will not suit us.It should avoid doing in the sensational and rather focus on efficiency, and think especially of young people. " On the side of Alliance, it is emphasized that the presence of police officers in a college or high school, which concerns only three institutions in Nice, is not viable, because of the trivialization of the violence.

"There is not a single high school or college where there will be no violence," said Benoît Barret. "When you see the phenomenon of gangs, it's happening today in small towns where there was no such violence before.The question is what high school will police officers be it will be crossings, rounds, patrols, will it be colleagues who will be permanently in a high school, will colleagues be in front of a college? " The Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, invited on Saturday Patrick Cohen in It happened this week, will probably give some elements of answer.

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