"Principle of brotherhood": a "dangerous" decision according to Jacob (LR)


Paris – The leader of deputies LR Christian Jacob judged on Sunday "dangerous" the decision of the Constitutional Council, which dedicated Friday as "constitutional principle" the fraternity so that the disinterested help to the "irregular stay" of the foreigners can not be prosecuted.

This decision is " dangerous because it constitutes an additional call for air ," said the MP for Seine-et-Marne at the Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro-LCI.

" I do not share this decision, it is the decision of the Constitutional Council, it is by definition, but I find it shocking because it will actually help to are in an irregular situation, and it is not clear where the accompaniment will stop "added Mr. Jacob.

" From the moment people arrive illegally, how from the start, as soon as they crossed the border (…), you consider that it is for humanitarian reasons that you have to accompany them? ", he asked.

For the President of the LR Group in the National Assembly, the answer to immigration in Europe must be " European " on " Harmonization of the right to asylum ".

This close to the President of LR Laurent Wauquiez said he was in favor of creating " hotspots ", " reception centers outside European borders, especially in the countries where do the migrants come from, so that those who are entitled to asylum can be studied, "and to pay these countries a" tied aid "so that they " accept the return of the illegals ".

He ruled " scandalous " the phrase " leprosy " used by President Emmanuel Macron to refer to populist governments. " Italy is a great democratic country, I do not share their ideas or beliefs, but (…) these people were democratically elected ," he said.

The Constitutional Council consecrated Friday " the freedom to help others, for a humanitarian purpose, regardless of the regularity of his stay on the national territory ", in response to a request from Cédric Herrou , a farmer who has become the symbol of aid to migrants on the Franco-Italian border.

The Minister of the Interior, Gerard Collomb, welcomed that he did not extend the existing exemptions to " badistance to irregular entry " on French territory. The latter will be punishable by sanctions, unlike badistance for the stay or movement of migrants.

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