"Progress report and roadmap", the ministers at the test of their annual grand oral


From Tuesday until the end of the month, the government team will hold an evaluation interview with the Prime Minister. A campaign promise of Emmanuel Macron

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"It's not meant to watch birds go by! Edouard Philippe had warned, Wednesday, May 30, after a government seminar: the annual evaluation interview to which the Prime Minister has invited members of his government will not be a sinecure. After the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, who was to go first, Tuesday, July 3, it will be the turn of the economy, Bruno Le Maire, Wednesday, and all ministers and secretaries to the Prime Minister by the end of July. Only delegated ministers and secretaries of state will be dispensed.

This was one of Emmanuel Macron's promises during the presidential campaign. Each year, government members will be audited. "Each of the ministers will have a road map. (…) Their effectiveness will be evaluated regularly and I will decide once a year, in connection with the Prime Minister, to renew them or not " had thus declared Mr. Macron to Journal du dimanche, in April 2017. A way of distinguishing itself from its predecessors, sometimes accused of distributing ministerial portfolios to respect political balances and not according to the competence of the candidates.

"Putting Perspective and Strategy Back"

These interviews, scheduled to last at least an hour and which will be attended by Benedict Ribadeau-Dumas, the director of the cabinet of Edouard Philippe, or his deputy Thomas Fatome, must allow to proceed "to a progress report and an badessment of the implementation of [la] "roadmap" by each minister, according to a circular signed on June 4 by the Prime Minister. These roadmaps, detailing by department the objectives of the executive, were badigned to interested parties in the summer of 2017. "A review of the main objectives to be achieved in the coming months" is also included in

"In concrete terms, we will review the past year, audit the two or three flagship measures of each minister, and plan for 2019, with three to five objectives badigned to each", summarizes an adviser to Edouard Philippe. Before the interview, the ministers were invited to provide a "implementation chart" for each of these upcoming worksites, which must in particular set the timetable and the means to be put in place to ensure that they end. A method that is reminiscent of management techniques used in companies.

"As in the private, these interviews are very useful, because we all have the nose on the handlebars while riding the bike at 50 km / h. This is the opportunity to put perspective and strategy ", believes Gilles Le Gendre, MP (LRM) of Paris and himself former senior executive. "It's important, it puts pressure on the ministers to be accountable" adds a member of the government. An account of each of these interviews will also be sent to Alexis Kohler, the Secretary General of the Elysee.

"It portrays the effectiveness of government"

According Matignon, special attention should be the application decrees during these interviews. "We are very attentive to the aftermath of a law, almost as much as before. Because, as long as it did not happen on the ground, the French do not see any effect " explains a councilor. Manner to remember that only the results will allow Emmanuel Macron to represent in 2022. "The French have the feeling, rightly or wrongly, that the public sphere is no longer effective. These interviews are a signal that can be well interpreted, because we show the effectiveness of the government " recognizes Mr. Le Gendre.

However, no question of dismissing a minister because he would not not fulfilled his mission or would have difficulty in donning the costume, as Emmanuel Macron had yet promised during the campaign. "The idea is to support, to help, not to punish. We are in trust and the constructive spirit " ensures to Matignon. "I'm not in the penalty, I'm improving" himself rebadured Edouard Philippe on RTL, Monday, July 2. Not enough to extinguish rumors of reshuffle that regularly agitate Macronie …

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