PSG football – PSG: Mbappé future Cristiano Ronaldo? "He has everything for him," but …


PSG: Mbappé future Cristiano Ronaldo? "He has everything for him," but ...

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published In: PSG, Ligue 1, Foot Europeen.

Author of 9 goals in 10 games since the beginning of the season, Kylian Mbappé breaks the screen at Paris Saint-Germain.

Impressive during the World Cup with the Team of France, the native of Bondy is clearly a pretender to the Golden Ball. This is at least what Ludovic Giuly thinks, for whom the former striker AS Monaco is not far from the stratospheric level of Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi. As long as you do not get lost and avoid what he calls the dangers around football …

"I am appreciative of his progress. If he wants to be like Cristiano Ronaldo or Messi, he has to be consistent and regular, but he is off to a good start. He has everything for him, so he has to protect himself well and pay attention to the dangers around football. Mbappé Ballon d'Or? He can win, but many players are on the list of contenders. He is still young, if he does not win this year, it will be next year or in two years " said the former FC Barcelona striker, convinced that Kylian Mbappé has a say in the Ballon d'Or. Even so, the Croatian international Luka Modric remains the favorite …

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