PSG: Pierre Ménès persists and signs after his clash with Luis Fernandez!


Foot – PSG

Posted on October 30, 2018 at 0:45 by A.M.

To illustrate his criticism of the management of Thomas Tuchel, Pierre Ménès recalled that in 1996, the PSG lost the title because of a similar choice of Luis Fernandez. Despite the answer of the former Parisian coach, the journalist persists and signs.

Asked about the choice of Thomas Tuchel to punish Kylian Mbappé and Adrien Rabiot for their delay to the pre-match chat, Pierre Menès had judged this choice aberrant Recalling that in 1996 Luis Fernandez had lost the title to PSG with that kind of choice. " PSG lost the title in 1996 when Auxerre is champion because Yuri Djorkaeff and Daniel Bravo did not go to the ride and Luis Fernandez did not line them. They lost the match at Parc des Princes and lost the title He confided.

"It's not an anecdote, but an info"

An exit that did not please Luis Fernandez who had dryly replied, " Oh my poor Pierrot, still bullshit. Inquire before speaking. You still pbad for a con. Study the history of PSG a bit before speaking. What a good journalist you do. See you soon I hope. "Warned of the answer of the former coach of the PSG, Pierre Menès yet persisted and confirms his words. " This is not an anecdote, but an info. Just ask Yuri or Daniel. At the time it was me who followed the PSG for L'Équipe. After he says what suits him "He says on Twitter. What to end the debate?

It's not an anecdote but an info. Just ask Yuri or Daniel. At the time it was me who followed the PSG for L'Equipe. After he says what suits him

– Pierre Ménès (@PierreMenes) October 29, 2018

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