Public lighting does not go off, downtown in the dark


Illustration of a street in Rennes at night. – C. Allain / 20 Minutes

The city center and the western districts of Rennes were not entitled to public lighting Monday night. At least, not before 1am. A malfunction plunged the Breton capital into the dark. From the Place de Bretagne to Cleunay, all the streets were deprived of public lighting.

"A very rare incident"

Contacted, Enedis specifies that it was not a problem of feeding electric but the simple malfunction of a sensor. This device, connected to the substation, captures the light and sends a signal when the brightness becomes too low, to trigger the lighting. But Monday night, it did not work. "A very rare incident," according to Enedis, who was able to turn on the light again around 1am on the night of Monday to Tuesday.

Black is black, #Rennes tonight in the light of the lighthouses #blackout

– Marie Toumit (@MarieToumit) July 23, 2018

#rennes wants to lower our local taxes … we are in the total dark

– apluiedetoiles (@Unepluiedetoile) July 23, 2018

@metropolerennes did not pay his electricity bill ?? ? #Rennes

– gael roazhon (@Gaelroazhon) July 23, 2018

On the social networks, the mishap made react, several people s' astonishing of the darkness, but also of the strange atmosphere it radiated.

Neighborhoods in the dark every night

In certain districts, the city of Rennes already extinguishes the street lighting part of the night to limit its power consumption but also to reduce its light footprint. Several cities of the metropolis
have also adopted this device.

A major power cut had also plunged the southern suburbs of Rennes into darkness in January. But it only lasted a few minutes

Power cut Monday night at #Blosne . It is a backhoe loader that tore off an electrical cable. The current was cut only a few minutes #Rennes @metropolerennes @enedis_bretagne

– 20 Minutes Rennes (@ 20minutesrennes) January 16, 2018

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