Public square, a new party in a landscape already very crumbled left


A newcomer in the French political landscape. Place public, a new environmental party, left and pro-European, was officially launched Tuesday by Raphael Glucksmann and about twenty personalities of civil society. The movement, which looks close on the background of Europe Ecology-The Greens and Generation. s, wants to give substance to the political space between Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

"Open to all those who share the principles of social solidarity, respect for life, strengthening democracy and promoting human rights," Place public "vocation to be structured throughout the French territory and through Europe, to multiply the public meetings, to counter the lobbies and to upset the political field ", write the signatories, in the" act of birth "of the movement, published Tuesday evening by" Libération ".

"Act before it's too late": @libe publishes in exclusivity the manifesto of the new movement Place public launched among others by Raphaël Glucksmann, Claire Nouvian and Thomas Porcher

– Liberation (@libe) November 6, 2018

Among the signatories: economists Thomas Porcher and Lucas Chancel, environmental activist Claire Nouvian, the elected environmentalist Paris Dan Lert, or the lawyer Jérôme Karsenti, defender including Anticor. The new movement will be co-chaired by Jo Spiegel, mayor of Kingersheim (Haut-Rhin), and Diana Filippova, head of the company and technology specialist.

First meeting on November 15th in Montreuil

The financing badociation backed by Place Public obtained its approval on Monday from the National Commission for Campaign Accounts and Political Financing. A website has been launched and a first meeting is scheduled for November 15 in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis).

While the political landscape on the left is already crumbling, could the party present a list in the European elections? Raphaël Glucksmann maintains a certain ambiguity on the subject: "We are not going to make another list, the fifty-seventh […] Afterwards, if we want to weigh, we must seize the elections. Does this turn into a list? Frankly we do not know, "he told AFP. The challenge is to "invent a movement that weighs on the political sphere, which is not a think tank, but which defines itself first of all as a laboratory of solutions, ideas, and platform of struggles that exist already, "he says.

Published by Valérie Mazuir, source AFP

The echoes

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