Rainbow Six Siege now automatically banned toxic players – News


The French studio was already part four months ago of its desire to fight against the toxicity at stake, by banning for a definite period of time (a few days, a few weeks or even permanently) the players who have the tongue a little too hung . " This is a first step against toxicity in Rainbow Six Siege, and we will have other information to share about it in the future ," the statement concluded. The future is apparently now, since dozens of players were surprised to have received an automatic ban after using offensive, racist or hateful words in the chat of the game. Contacted by PC Gamer, the developers confirmed to have implemented a system of automatic banishment: at the first incarceration noted, the jokers will be ejected servers for thirty minutes. If they start again, they will get this time two hours from ban and the third infraction found, an investigation will be conducted to decide if the player concerned has indeed violated the Code of Conduct. 19659002] On social networks, we are already seeing a salt rain in some players, which the official account of the game does not hesitate to answer with a lot of humor. Better yet, some players are hijacking the system to quickly eliminate the troublemakers: a certain Erin has fun writing in the cat " do not be racist ", and declares to have seen an enemy being excluded from the party after balancing insults in return. Some will speak of pure genius, others evoke a simple natural selection.

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