A plan to enhance the attractiveness of the group. RATP announced the overpressure of 1,000 positions by 2024, reports The echoes. This measure would particularly concern support functionswhich represents 20% of RATP's operating expenses. By 2024, the public transport company in Paris wants to reduce this ratio to 17%.
The goal? Gain competitiveness while the group is about to lose its monopoly on the Parisian bus market. For good reason, the historic lines of the RATP will be gradually put in competition, from January 1, 2025.
This performance plan should result in the removal of 100 to 150 positions per year. More than 1,000 positions would thus disappear, while the group has nearly 5,000 employees. Launched as early as 2020, these deletions would allow an annual saving of 121 million euros.
Faced with the concern of the unions, the management of the RATP said that no plan of dismissal was planned. "The adjustment of the workforce will therefore be mainly the non-replacement of departures and by internal redeployments ", explained the group's internal magazine, and conventional breaks could also be envisaged for employees wishing to leave the group.
Statements that are difficult to rebadure. "It is particularly brutal and violent. This inevitably has an impact on all employees, concerned and not concerned. It has an impact on mobility, social advancement and the positions that will stay and share the remaining workload, "says an employee.
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