Report on reducing public spending targets energy transition –


Recommending the reduction of some 30 billion public expenditures, the report of the expert committee CAP 2022 tackles in particular the aid to the energy transition. An article from our partner the Journal of the Environment.

This is the study that scares. Supposed to be written since the end of the first quarter, the report of the '2022 Public Action Committee' (CAP 2022) must identify the savings that the state could quickly achieve.

Explosive subject in this period of preparation of the draft law of finances. Launched last October, the CAP 2022 is made up of about thirty personalities from the public and private sectors. The profiles most sought after by the Matignon Hotel are liberal economists and alumni of the National School of Administration (ENA). Aim of their mission: to identify new digitalisable administrative procedures and modernize the work of civil servants. All this must ultimately be used to reduce by three points the share of public expenditure in GDP by 2022. Or how to cut in the heart.

22 measures

In its edition of this Tuesday, July 17, Le Figaro said he consulted the forbidden report. According to the daily, representatives of civil society would advocate 22 measures likely to cut "about thirty billion euros" public spending. Much better than what was stipulated in the law on public finance programming in January 2018: € 4.1 billion by 2020.

Two families of recommendations affect more or less the actors of the ecological transition. Proposal 18 proposes to eliminate duplication between state aid and that of local authorities. "The state must completely renounce the skills it has decentralized," say the rapporteurs. One billion euros of state credits would be saved in support of rail transport, energy, housing or development.

Niches fiscal and social

In the lineage the reframing of the energy transition tax credit (Cite), the experts suggest (proposal n ° 20) to slash "particularly inefficient" aid to the energy transition and air transport and to eliminate the tax and social effective. " What to bring "more than 5 billion €" into the coffers of Bercy.

Decide first, publish after

What to become of this report? Hard to say. After the relative failure of the territorial conference of 12 July (boycotted by many elected officials), the services of the Prime Minister did not augur any real consultation with the parties concerned: "The government maintains its method: working on its proposals, decide, publish the report after, "says Matignon. Clearly, the report will not be made public until ministries have received their 'letter-ceiling' which will fix, in the next few days, their appropriations for the coming year. If we refer to the 2018 budget, the credits of the Minister of the ecological and solidarity transition should reach € 10.5 billion for 2019 and € 10.6 billion the following year.

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