The two producers of this new version of RE2 explain the reasons for the absence of virtual reality for the game.
In an interview at a British site, Tsuyoshi Kanda and Yoshiyaki Hirabarashi, both producers at Capcom, explained why Resident Evil 2 Remake will not have a VR mode, contrary to what was done for Resident Evil 7 which had also been successful in the game .
million. Kanda explains:
We do not think of VR support for the moment, since the Camera Perspective and the choice over the shoulder would mean that VR is not the best way to present the game. VR does not fit with our vision.
Yoshiyaki Hirabarashi adds:
Thinking about it, maybe you're showing the trailer through the eyes of a rat has misled people. But if you think a rat RV will come … that's not the case.
In short, we should not expect virtual reality for this remake of a clbadic of the year 1998, which will be released on January 25, 2019 on PS4 and PC.
Source: www .dailystar.co.uk
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