Roberto Martinez (Belgium): "We are leaving with a sense of victory" – CM 2018


CM 2018


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The coach of Belgium was proud of his players after the victory against England (2-0) on Saturday during the match for third place in the World Cup. "Having a bronze medal is historic and will leave a mark in Belgian football" he was enthusiastic

 Football - World Cup 2018 - The joy of Martinez, the medal around the neck. (Anton Vaganov / Reuters)

The joy of Martinez, the medal around his neck. (Anton Vaganov / Reuters)

Roberto Martinez, Belgium coach : "This is a very important game (2-0) because you take your feelings to your country afterwards. And we leave with a sense of victory. Having a bronze medal is historic and will leave a mark in Belgian football. It's very difficult, when you lose a semifinal of a small gap (0-1), it's difficult to refocus for the next game. But we did that very well, we brought families to our base camp to bring some naturalness. And the players, in the bus for the stadium, were concentrated, wanted to evolve well.

"There was not a single easy match"

The team really managed to consider every match as an opportunity, and that's why we managed to get a "clean sheet" against England and to take third place . It was a very demanding tournament. There was not a single easy match. To have ten different scorers, to be able to go back a handicap of two goals (against Japan in 8th, 3-2), to be able to beat Brazil (2-1) … That's what the players deserve. ( On the ceremony in Belgium ) The important thing will be to share the emotion. I hope this inspires younger generations, showing them that we can succeed in life if we work hard enough. We look forward to meeting the King, being on the street with the fans to celebrate this memorable World Cup in several points. "


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