Rocket League Ultimate Edition announced on Nintendo Switch


Rocket League is available on the Nintendo Switch since last year but today, here is a new version announced, the Ultimate Ediion

Rocket League landed on Nintendo Switch last year. If you still have not put your hands on it, know that Psyonix has just announced Rocket League: Ultimate Edition. Release of the game scheduled for August 31 in Europe

Rocket League: Ultimate Edition announced on Nintendo Switch

The game will be sold $ 49.99 – probably the same amount in euros – or $ 10 more than the clbadic version. That being said, that says Ultimate Edition says additional content. This is reflected by the presence of numerous DLC packs, including the Batman V Superman Pack: Dawn of Justice, the Chaos Run Pack, the DC Super Heroes Pack, the Revenge of the Battle-Cars Pack and the Supersonic Fury Pack, and the Aftershock Packs. , Esper, Marauder, Masamune, Proteus, Triton and Vulcan

In other words, for these additional $ 10, you will still be entitled to 16 cars and some cosmetic items. But according to Psyonix, these $ 10 find their justification elsewhere: " We really tried to keep the same selling price but the reality is that the costs of manufacturing the cartridge of the Switch have increased and the price the sale also had to be increased. "

On the menu, many DLC for $ 10 extra

$ 10 seems in any case cheap to pay for all this additional content, which will most certainly pbad a very good time to the fans as to those who discover the game for the first time. That will be perfect to occupy the month of September, if your return is not too busy, of course.

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