Royal "may be" a day again presidential candidate


Paris – Former French Socialist Minister Ségolène Royal, an unfortunate presidential candidate in 2007, did not rule Sunday to be a candidate again at the Elysee Palace, saying her fight for the environment is "maybe to be "there.

Asked about France 2 in the show to know if she had definitively renounced to become a president of the Republic, Ms. Royal, 65, first replied: "I do not ask myself the question".

"What I can tell you more precisely is that the fight of my life, and today more than ever, is the fight for the protection of the planet", she added.

"This can go through the presidency of the Republic", then asked the facilitator Laurent Delahousse.Perhaps", replied Mrs. Royal, for whom the environment is"the main battle today that connects all other fights, including the issue of security".

First woman to reach the second round of a presidential election in France, Ségolène Royal was beaten in 2007 by his right-wing opponent, Nicolas Sarkozy.

This former companion of President François Hollande, with whom she had four children, was Minister of the Environment from 2014 to 2017, before being appointed by President Emmanuel Macron ambbadador in charge of the international negotiation for the Arctic and Antarctic poles .

On the European elections in May 2019, while speculation is rife on her return to politics, Ségolène Royal reaffirmed that she would make known her decision "in January".

"If I ever commit myself, it will be to defend causes similar to those mentioned earlier."she added.

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