Ryanair: call for a strike on 25 and 26 July in four EU countries


The cabin crew working for Ryanair in Belgium, Italy, Spain and Portugal are called to strike on 25 and 26 July to protest the practices of the low-cost airline, announced Thursday five unions representing them.

The announcement was made at the end of a meeting in Brussels, five days after the end of the ultimatum raised by these trade unions for the Irish company to accept their demands.

These five organizations request that Ryanair implement the legislation of each of the countries in which it employs staff and that it grant the same working conditions to employees directly under contract with the company and its temporary staff.

"We want dignity"

"Unfortunately, Ryanair has chosen to continue to ignore its employees and has left the unions the option to call a national strike of 24 hours for July 25 in Portugal, Italy, Spain and Belgium, "the unions said in a statement.

The next day, July 26, a second day of strike is scheduled in Portugal, Spain and Belgium, but not in Italy, said the statement, referring to "legal restrictions" limiting the scope for action.

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"We want dignity in our working environment", commented on the Belgian TV channel RTBF an official of the Spanish union Uso , Ernesto Iglesias.

He criticized Ryanair for transforming his flight crew into mere "sellers". "The company forces them to sell up to a certain amount per flight and per pbadenger, to the detriment of essential security-related tasks," he added.

"We must not blame the people who take Ryanair, but they must be aware of what is happening," said Didier Lebbe, of the Belgian trade union CNE / LBC (affiliated to the Confederation of Trade Unions Christians), quoted by the Belga press agency. He denounced that Ryanair's staff "only get paid when the plane moves," which is "simply illegal".

In addition to these two Belgian and Spanish unions, three others co-signed the call to strike. They are SNPVAC (Portugal), Uiltrasporti (Italy) and Sitcpla, another Spanish union.

A strike of pilots based in Ireland scheduled for next Thursday

Ryanair only recognizes the unions representing its staff (pilots and aircrew) at the moment. Those who call this strike in late July are not recognized.

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About 120 pilots Ryanair established in Ireland have also announced their intention to strike on July 12th. The airports of Dublin, Shannon and Cork could be affected by this movement which calls for better wages. In a statement on Thursday, the company asks the pilots to "postpone" a strike she calls "useless."

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