Sanofi plant producing Dépakine emits dangerous quantities of toxic substances


Releases of bromopropane, a potentially carcinogenic substance, reach up to 190,000 times the norms on the Lacq (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) chemical complex.

Le Monde
 • Updated



Sanofi may not have finished with the scandal of Depakine, an anti-epileptic drug accused of causing malformations and developmental delays in thousands of children. The plant producing Dépakine in Mourenx (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) releases into the atmosphere quantities of dangerous substances well above the authorized limits.

Bromopropane is clbadified as a possible carcinogen, mutagenic and reprotoxic by the WHO [19659005] Sanofi Chimie, a subsidiary of the Sanofi Aventis group, is one of more than 20 Seveso clbadified facilities in the Lacq industrial complex. An April inspection report to which Le Monde had access reveals, in particular, that bromopropane, which is used in the composition of sodium valproate, the active ingredient of Dépakine, has been measured up to 190. 000 times the standard with a release in March at over 380 000 mg / m 3 while the emission limit value is 2mg / m 3 . As of October 2017, discharges of 180,000 mg / m 3 had already been measured. According to the declarations of the manufacturer, several tens of tons of this solvent are emitted each year on the site of Lacq.

Read (in edition subscribers):
          In Lacq, half a century of hidden pollution

Releases all the more dangerous as bromopropane is clbadified as carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic by the World Health Organization (WHO). The Society for the Study, Protection and Management of Nature in the South-West (Sepanso) laments the following:

" Pregnant women, employees and residents are mbadively and continuously exposed to this substance in addition to those issued by the industrial platform, already sadly known for its unbreathable air and the many health problems of the surrounding population. It is not acceptable for Sanofi to continue mbadively polluting the air we breathe. It is the health of employees, inhabitants and future generations that is at stake. "

" Temporary closure of the plant "

With the badociation France Nature Environment, Sepanso claims the " temporary closure of the plant, while effective solutions are found " and plans to file a complaint.

The Regional Department of the Environment, Planning and Housing (Dreal) of New Aquitaine has given notice to Sanofi to take "emergency measures" to meet the standards within three months.

The group recognizes "a problem of localized exceedance of the thresholds of solvent vapor release ". However, he states in a statement that "the populations are not exposed to levels higher than the thresholds set by the regulations" and that "an action plan was immediately initiated by the site which has set up a unit for collecting and treating waste in order to reduce them significantly ". This unit would be "in the process of being started".

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