"School is not a recovery house", says Nicole Belloubet on RTL


To combat violence in schools, the government has promised an arsenal of security measures, not excluding the police from entering schools during "moments of tension". Education ministers Jean-Michel Blanquer of the Interior Christophe Castaner and Justice Nicole Belloubet convened a "strategic committee" to implement an action plan commissioned by Emmanuel Macron .
Nicole Belloubet recalled during the RTL Grand Jury, Le Figaro, LCI to have been "rector of academia for eight years". She added, "I'm very familiar with the school environment, which is important in a school, which is a place where knowledge must prevail and therefore a place where teachers must be subjected to all that is necessary to ensure their respect, that they can have access to the police ".

The Minister of Justice insisted that "the school is not a house of recovery but a place where knowledge must prevail (…) There is no problem today for school heads to access the police (…) It is not excluded that in some neighborhoods, there may be a police referent that facilitates the link between the school and the police".

For her, "many elected officials are demanding criminal law reform, as others are addicted to hard drugs." I do not think the criminal law is there to change things. It is often in practice, in the operational field that it is important. For juvenile justice to be effective, the speed of punishment must be (…) We need tools and among them, we have possible gradations ".

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