SFR deploys 4G at 500 Mbit / s in Bordeaux


As expected, SFR * announced today to start commercializing 4G at 500 Mbit / s downstream flow. For the moment, only the city of Bordeaux is concerned. But this upscaling will concern ten other agglomerations by the end of 2018. A performance achieved by aggregating four frequency bands: 800 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2600 MHz and 2100 MHz. In this configuration, the operator even specifies that it can reach up to 593 Mbit / s.

Recent high-end smartphones are compatible

Only smartphones from category 11 are able to support such a speed of connection. This now concerns all top-of-the-range models under iOS or Android: iPhone X and 8, Galaxy S9, Pixel 2, One Plus 6, etc.

The fact of arms of SFR is however not a first. Orange tested the first 500 Mbit / s a ​​year ago in Villefranche-sur-Saône with only three frequency bands but a band of maximum spectral width in each of them and the MIMO 4×4 (four antennas in reception and in program). But the operator was not in a hurry to generalize this connection speed elsewhere.

Next step for SFR, to pbad the 1 Gbit / s mark next year with five different carriers. This time, the operation can not be done with remote updates. It will be necessary to start deploying the technologies of the future 5G in the base stations whose mbadive MIMO.

* is published by a subsidiary of NextRadioTV, itself 100% owned by SFR Médias.

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