She starts a hunger strike, Pôle Emploi regularizes her situation in 30 minutes


His action was short-lived but obviously effective. A woman settled in front of the Pôle Emploi agency in Tourcoing (North) on Monday to go on a hunger strike, reveals La Voix du Nord. She saw her situation regularized in only half an hour.

The motive: since two months, she does not receive the 500 euros of her allowance of specific solidarity (ASS, attributed to the people having exhausted their rights to unemployment.)

Dematerialization of mail

With 1000 euros less in his bank account, it is found in the open. The regional newspaper said that the dematerialization of its mail Pôle Emploi, intervened at the beginning of the year is at the origin of the problem. " Not having access to a computer to read my emails, I could not answer a certificate received in my candidate space in time to revive my rights", explains

After updating his situation two months later, in early June, the employment center told him that the two monthly installments were definitively lost . Despite the reminders, it does not win and finally decides to start the hunger strike Monday. With success

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